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Mora Motorcycle Accident Injury Lawyer

When you or your loved one are riding a motorcycle, you do not expect someone else to cause an accident and subsequent injuries. Negligent motorcycle accident injuries or wrongful deaths should never happen. A motorcycle accident lawyer for Mora, New Mexico residents will protect your rights to compensation that New Mexico’s personal injury laws entitle you.


You do not have to face your compensation claim or accident investigation alone. The legal team at Grano Law Offices, P.C. understands your fears and frustrations. We will help you obtain an award you deserve from an insurance company, at-fault party, or third-party liability claim.


Call (505) 426-8711 for a Free Case Evaluation Now

Not only do we not charge you advance attorneys’ fees to represent your case, but we also offer a Free Case Evaluation to determine how we can help you or your family. Schedule yours today by sending us an online message or calling (505) 426-8711.

Fighting for Compensation that Motorcycle Accident Injury Victims and Survivors Deserve

As a rider, you understand how vital safety is. You invested in a helmet, riding gear, and other motorcycle safety features to protect you in the event of an accident. However, the motorist that hit you was not keeping the same level of safety in mind. When a motorist’s negligence causes your accident injuries or a family member’s death, you can hold them accountable for their careless or reckless actions.


The types of negligent motorcycle accident cases Grano Law Offices, P.C. represents includes:


  • Texting while driving
  • Improper lane changes and mergers
  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding
  • Following too closely and tailgating
  • Driving while intoxicated
  • Aggressive driving
  • Unsafe passing
  • Fatigued or drowsy driving
  • Poorly maintained vehicles
  • Poorly maintained roadways
  • And more

These types of motorcycle accidents can result in severe injuries that are expensive to treat. While you focus on your healthcare and recovery, a Mora motorcycle accident lawyer in New Mexico will investigate and document your claim while negotiating a fair settlement with the insurance company.


Our legal team has fought for the money our clients need to pay for losses related to the following types of injuries:


  • Internal organ damage and bleeding
  • Spinal cord damage
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Bone fractures and crush injuries
  • Pain and suffering and mental anguish
  • Wrongful death
  • Burns and road rash
  • Whiplash and neck injuries
  • Other motorcycle accident injuries

When suffering from these types of life-changing injuries, it is vital that you have a motorcycle accident lawyer in Mora who will help you face the unique legal challenges surrounding your case. Depending upon the facts and circumstances, Grano Law Offices, P.C. will help you pursue your case while avoiding any and all legal mistakes, which can negatively impact the outcome.

Schedule a Free Case Evaluation Now

Our firm has helped injury victims and surviving family members throughout Mora and New Mexico when Bad Things Happen to Good People. You can get the answers you want by scheduling a Free Case Evaluation now at (505) 426-8711. If you hire me to represent your case, I will not charge you any attorneys’ fees until you win.

Civil Laws Protect Your Right to Compensation After a Negligent Accident Injury

The more severe that your injuries are, the higher your expenses are going to be. When another driver caused your motorcycle accident, you should be reimbursed for all of your losses, including those you are experiencing now and in the future. While a financial award does not restore you to whole entirely, a Mora motorcycle accident lawyer will assert your rights to compensation when you deserve it.


Awards that Grano Law Offices, P.C. has recovered for our clients include:


  • Current and ongoing medical costs
  • Current and future lost wages and benefits
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Wrongful death civil awards for surviving family
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Lost enjoyment of life
  • Punitive damages
  • Other recoverable civil awards not mentioned herein

The losses you incurred resulting from your motorcycle accident will add up quickly, and providers may be demanding payment. The situation is made even more challenging by the fact that you likely missed time at work. Stop letting insurers and attorneys take advantage of your vulnerable position by hiring a motorcycle accident lawyer in Mora.


A Statute of Limitations Applies to Your Motorcycle Accident Injury Claim

New Mexico imposes deadlines on your ability to file a civil claim for your injuries or family member’s death. In general, you have up to three (3) years to file your claim. However, this deadline may be shorter depending upon the parties involved in an accident you experienced.


Do not let this deadline surpass your case since doing so will negatively affect your case. Contact Grano Law Offices, P.C. to ensure that your case meets all critical deadlines and notification requirements.


How a Mora Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in New Mexico Will Help You

Let’s face it: insurance companies processing your claim are not on your side. While there are specific rules and regulations they must follow, they are also trying to pay you the minimum amount while meeting these requirements. There are also unsavory insurers that flout the rules altogether, which can make it even more challenging to get the money you desperately need now.


Take Back Control of Your Case

Instead of having to take the insurance company’s lead, you can hire a Mora motorcycle accident attorney in New Mexico to act as a representative of your story. Not only will we help you build your case, but we will conduct a thorough investigation of the facts while presenting our demands to the insurer on your behalf.


No Advance Attorneys’ or Legal Fees

If you believe that hiring Grano Law Offices, P.C. is the best choice for your case, then we will not require you to pay any advance attorneys’ or legal fees until we win. Contingency fees allow you to remain as financially flexible as possible while getting the responsive legal care you want.

Get a Free Consultation with Our Mora Motorcycle Accident Injury Lawyer

The Mora motorcycle accident injury lawyer at Grano Law Offices, P.C. is ready to help you take the next step forward. Before making any decisions, contact us for a Free Case Evaluation now by messaging us using the form below or calling (505) 426-8711.

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713 6th St
Las Vegas, NM


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8AM – 5PM
8AM – 5PM
Weekends by Appt.