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Taos Motorcycle Accident Injury Lawyer

Motorcycle accident injuries and loss of life are devasting for everyone impacted by the loss. While motorcycles do not offer the same level of protection as cars or trucks, it does not mean that you deserve any less compensation for the harm you suffered after a negligent driver injured you. Speak with a motorcycle accident injury lawyer for Taos, New Mexico at Grano Law Offices, P.C. to protect your rights throughout the entire claims process.


We will investigate the cause of your accident and demand the civil award you deserve and need. However, there is a time-sensitive statute of limitations and potential notification requirements, which means that you should contact our office now before missing your shot at a fair settlement or award.


A Free Case Evaluation Is a Phone Call Away

If you hire a Taos motorcycle accident injury lawyer in New Mexico at Grano Law Offices, P.C., you will not have to pay us anything upfront to represent your case. In addition to no advance legal fees, we also offer Free Case Evaluations. Schedule yours now by sending us a private message about your case here or calling (505) 426-8711.

We Represent Taos, New Mexico Motorcycle Accident Injury Victims

To receive compensation for your injuries, you must prove that the other driver acted negligently and was liable for causing you or your family member harm. This aspect is more challenging when it comes to fighting with insurance companies and their lawyers. When you hire a Taos motorcycle accident injury lawyer, we will launch an independent investigation regarding your case’s facts to demand an equitable settlement from the insurance company.


Types of negligent motorcycle accident injury cases we represent include:


  • Distracted driving
  • Speeding or aggressive driving
  • Failing to check blind spots
  • Car door opening accidents
  • Lane drifting and improper merging
  • Tailgating and following too closely
  • Poorly maintained vehicles and tires
  • Poorly maintained public roadways
  • Driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol
  • Other types of negligent accidents

These types of accidents can also result in severe, life-changing injuries to the victim. Numerous motorcycle accident injury victims will need ongoing healthcare costs to pay for future treatments and surgery.


Grano Law Offices, P.C. will help you after a negligent accident to get compensation for treating the following-related injuries:


  • Bone fractures
  • Road rash
  • Bruises and contusions
  • Scarring
  • Disfigurement
  • Burn injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
  • Internal organ trauma
  • Facial trauma
  • Wrongful death
  • Other injuries caused by negligence

Injuries or the loss of a family member would have never happened had the driver acted safely. Instead, they exhibited a disregard for life by putting you in harm’s way. Instead of taking the insurance company at its word, do not issue any formal statements and hire a Taos motorcycle accident injury attorney in New Mexico at Grano Law Offices, P.C.

Reach Out for Legal Help Today

Grano Law Offices, P.C. understands how distressing a traumatic motorcycle accident can be. Reach out for legal help today by scheduling a Free Case Evaluation at (505) 426-8711. If you hire us, we do not get paid for our time or resources until you win.

Recoverable Damages After Motorcycle Accidents in New Mexico

While money does not compensate you entirely for the experience you went through, a New Mexico personal injury case’s primary goal is to obtain fair compensation for the losses that someone else’s negligence caused you. You can get an award through an insurance settlement or civil court award if you can prove your allegations against the at-fault driver.


It is for this reason that hiring a Taos motorcycle accident lawyer to represent your case. Grano Law Offices, P.C. will investigate and analyze your accident while preserving evidence that speaks to the facts and remains compliant with the law.


Examples of awards that our legal team has recovered on behalf of clients include:



There is compensation available for heirs under New Mexico’s Wrongful Death Act for families enduring the lost life of a loved one. With a Taos motorcycle accident injury lawyer in New Mexico, you can get reimbursement for a funeral, burial/cremation costs, loss of consortium, and more. Work with Grano Law Offices, P.C. to seek justice on your family’s behalf while holding negligent detractors liable for their careless or reckless actions.


You Have Legal Options to Get a Civil Award that You Deserve

As you can see, it is not always easy to trust the insurance company responsible for valuing your accident injury case and paying benefits. Hiring a Taos motorcycle accident lawyer will ensure that the insurer does not take advantage of your position and handle the negotiations while focusing on your physical, financial, and emotional recovery.


However, insurance companies sometimes still fail to see the facts for what they are. If the insurance company denies your claim even after an investigation, Grano Law Offices, P.C. is not afraid to take your case to a jury trial when that is the best approach. With an experienced legal professional on your side, you will have reassurance and peace-of-mind in knowing that you are doing everything you can to not leave money on the table.


How a Motorcycle Accident Injury for Taos, New Mexico Will Help

A motorcycle accident injury lawyer for Taos, New Mexico will help you build a case while negotiating with the insurance companies and defendant’s lawyers on your behalf. Grano Law Offices, P.C. will not charge you any advance legal fees to represent your case, and our legal team will only get paid when you win.

Get Legal Information About Your Case with a Free Case Evaluation

To learn more about your case or have our team get to work immediately, contact Grano Law Offices, P.C. for a Free Case Evaluation by messaging us privately using the form below or calling (505) 426-8711 now.

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Las Vegas, NM


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