How Long Do Wrongful Death Lawsuits Take to Settle?
A wrongful death lawsuit can take anywhere from close to a year to several years to settle or reach a verdict. The outcome depends upon

How to Fight to Get NM Drug Charges Dropped
Do you need to learn about how to get your drug charges dropped? Every case is unique, but you can fight them. You can

How Long Does A DWI Stay On Your Record In New Mexico?
A New Mexico DWI conviction stays on your driving record for 55 years. You cannot remove a DWI conviction from your record, even under the

Can I Sue for Road Rash After a Motorcycle Accident?
Yes, you can sue for road rash damages after a motorcycle accident if someone else caused your accident injuries. Road rash is more than a

What Happens to the Brain After a Car Accident?
Two things happen to the brain immediately after a car accident. Your brain’s tissue responds to the physical trauma first, and then it begins to

Can You Own A Gun With Domestic Violence Charges in NM?
Two laws impact your gun ownership rights after domestic violence charges in New Mexico. First, federal regulations prohibit you from possessing a firearm after a
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