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Can You Get More Money After An Accident Injury Without A Lawyer?

Can You Get More Money Without an Accident Lawyer?

There are no state or federal laws that require you to obtain the services of a New Mexico car accident injury lawyer to pursue compensation following a car accident. Hiring one also does not guarantee that you will get more money after an accident injury without a lawyer. However, a lawyer does not take on cases where we do not think we can add monetary value.


We follow this standard per the Model Rules of Professional Conduct. These Rules govern attorney conduct and client relationships. When a lawyer agrees to represent your case, it means that we believe you will benefit from our services in your best interests.


In This Article

A car accident injury lawyer near Santa Fe, New Mexico helps you understand the ways in which a lawyer could add value to your case, how it is possible that we can take cases without an upfront payment, and when you may actually not need a lawyer. This post is for severely injured car accident victims or their surviving family members weighing out their initial options.


Most car accident injury cases settle before going to a jury trial. A settlement allows you to obtain compensation faster while maintaining your privacy. Lawyers are skilled negotiators who fight for a reasonable settlement using our legal knowledge and resources. However, if the insurer refuses to pay you a fair amount, we can continue your case at a civil trial without missing a single step.


While every case is unique, here are the legal resources that personal injury lawyers use to help negotiate a settlement that gets you more money:


  • Valuations: A car accident lawyer can identify the value of your claim, which is much tougher than most people think, especially when it comes to collecting pain and suffering damages. We can also estimate how an insurance company may respond to your offer.
  • Demands: Upon hiring a lawyer, we will investigate and analyze the facts of your case. The firm will then issue a letter outlining your claims, the evidence supporting your claims, and a demanded settlement amount. It helps direct communications to your lawyer’s office, document your claim, and initiate the negotiation.
  • Counteroffers: If the insurance company counters your offer, your lawyer will respond on your behalf. We will highlight weaknesses in the insurer’s arguments and counter back. This process can repeat multiple times until you obtain the outcome you deserve.
  • Legal drafting: If the insurance company keeps denying your claim, you and your lawyer may decide to go to civil court. We might even draft an initial petition that we forward in our demand letter to show them that you are prepared to take your case to court.
  • Investigatory resources: Most severely injured people have limited capacity to research case law, statutes, and policy language, nor do they have access to the legal resources necessary to present claim evidence, which can cost tens of thousands of dollars. A personal injury lawyer does, and they will not charge you a single penny upfront if you choose to work with us on your case.

As you can see, your lawyer will help you try to obtain a fair settlement value. While generally thought of as “too expensive,” most New Mexico car accident injury lawyers do not charge a payment for their services beforehand. Instead, we take cases on a contingency-fee-basis as discussed below.


Contingency Fees Are Client-Friendly

Your injury lawyer will most likely not charge you a traditional retainer. Instead, we take cases on contingency fees and only receive payment for our services and legal resources after you win a negotiated settlement or court award.


However, it is worth noting that your lawyer cannot make the losing party pay for your legal and attorneys’ fees. There are a few exceptions to this rule, which we would discuss with you before signing a Letter of Representation. Our profession requires us to be transparent, ethical, and honest, these requirements apply contingency fees.


Related Article: Do I Need a Lawyer After a Car Accident Injury in New Mexico?


The primary objective of a car accident injury or wrongful death claim is to obtain the compensation that is equivalent to your losses. You must file your claim against the liable party to accomplish this goal. This goal is not easy to handle alone and when dealing with severe or catastrophic injuries. For example, even identifying and accounting for all at-fault parties is tough since the law provides many stipulations and exceptions.


We Can Help You Take Advantage of Your Rights

What if the insurance company takes a really long time to pay your claim? Are they not responding to your letters and calls? Is your insurance settlement offer way too low to be serious?


If you answered yes to any of these questions, you may have a chance to obtain additional compensation through a bad faith insurance claim. Most injury victims chalk these types of problems up to “bad customer service,” but you should never take that stance when it comes to insurance. Your attorney will help you identify if you have a bad faith insurance claim as well.


Related Article: How To Negotiate With Insurance Adjusters After an Accident


Situations Where You May Get More Money From a Car Accident Without a Lawyer

Since every case is unique, there are also situations in which you may not need a car accident injury lawyer. The most compelling reason not to hire a lawyer is if doing so will not add any value of significance to your case.


Situations that may not require legal representation include:


  • Not sustaining any injuries
  • Not experiencing financial losses
  • Being satisfied with your insurance company’s offer
  • Small claims court cases if you do not want a lawyer
  • When the math of hiring a lawyer does not make sense
  • No lawyer seemingly wants to take your case (keep at it, though)
  • And other situations as prescribed by law

Among the scenarios listed above, you either do not have grounds for a legal dispute, or it simply is not practical for the situation. However, the only way to be sure is by talking to an attorney as soon as possible. Avoiding this process can result in legal mistakes that negatively impact your settlement or civil court award.


Related Article: How to Respond to a Low Personal Injury Settlement Offer


Curious About Your Legal Options?

Can you get more money after an accident injury without a lawyer? Maybe a lawyer could help you get more.

If you experienced severe New Mexico accident injuries or a loved one’s wrongful death, Grano Law Offices, P.C. invites you to a Free Case Evaluation. Schedule yours now by calling (505) 426-8711, or message us directly via the contact form below.


If you decide to hire our firm, we will not request any attorneys’ fees beforehand. Instead, we receive our attorneys’ fees only after recovering an award for you. Grano Law Offices, P.C. also promises not to take on your injury case if we do not think we can genuinely add any value.

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