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A banner image featuring a judge's gavel, car keys, and an alcoholic drink, with text overlay that reads, 'Is a DUI/DWI Going to Ruin My Life?' Grano Law Offices, P.C. addresses this critical question and offers legal guidance for those facing DUI/DWI charges.

Is a DUI/DWI Going to Ruin My Life? (12 Negative Impacts)

No, a DUI/DWI is NOT going to ruin your life.




…a conviction may negatively affect your employment options, auto insurance rates, and professional relationships. That being said, and depending upon the facts of your case, you might be able to beat your charges, dismissal, plea agreement, or reduced sentence.


If you aim to beat your charges, your best bet is to speak with a DUI/DWI defense lawyer ASAP.


It is also worth noting that many law firms offer the initial consultation at no cost. For example, our office provides a Free Case Strategy Session to anyone charged with a criminal offense in northern or central New Mexico.


In this article, DUI/DWI defense attorney Marc A. Grano shares information on how a conviction could impact your life (vs. is a DUI/DWI going to ruin your life). He will also share insight on how to get legal help when bravely facing the road ahead. Grano Law Offices, P.C. wrote this post for alleged first-time DUI/DWI individuals and their worried loved ones.


12 Ways a DUI/DWI Could Impact Your Life

A DUI/DWI arrest can happen to ANYONE, regardless of your age, gender, or financial status. It is an offense affecting many people from different “walks of life.” One too many drinks can make you feel invincible, impair judgment, and slow down reaction times when behind the wheel. A single mistake on the road gives an officer reasonable suspicion to observe you for driving while under the intoxicating effects of alcohol or drugs.


You will face some form of consequence when arrested for drunk driving, including in New Mexico. Not only are the standardized field sobriety tests (SFSTs) frightening, but having your freedom taken and being booked into a city or county jail after having your driver’s license confiscated is not something you will soon forget.


If you are convicted of a felony or misdemeanor DUI/DWI, here are 12 ways that a DUI/DWI could impact your life:


Impact #1. Public Exposure

Arrest records are public, along with the pleadings filed in court. This fact even applies to cases that do not result in a conviction. Not to mention that many newspapers still publish police and court logs routinely, meaning that your name could be associated with your court case for a significant period, both off- and online.


Impact #2. Conviction Penalties

In nearly every state, DUI/DWI conviction penalties are steep. Depending upon several factors, you could face thousands in fines and several years in jail. For example, in New Mexico, even a first-time conviction may result in up to 90 days of jail time and a fine of up to $500 under NMSA § 66-8-102. There are mandatory penalties, including installing an ignition interlock device (IID) for one year, completing an NMDoT Traffic Safety Division-approved DUI/DWI course, alcohol screening and compliance with recommendations, 24 hours of community service, driver’s license revocation, and probation.


Impact #3. Driver’s License Revocation

You can lose your driver’s license after a DUI/DWI arrest. You MUST demand a separate MVD administrative hearing to fight to keep your driver’s license. Be aware: you only have TEN (10) DAYS after your arrest in New Mexico to Demand the hearing. Failure to demand the hearing within the TEN (10) days will automatically revoke your driver’s privileges.


Impact #4. Background Checks

A DUI/DWI conviction can also appear on a criminal background check. If you are reading this article and convicted in New Mexico, a DUI/DWI offense stays on your state driving record for 55 years. This period essentially amounts to a record following you around while in the prime of your personal and professional life.


Impact #5. Employment Problems

Since convictions appear on a background check, you could experience employment problems later in life. From licensing to securing a job, a DUI/DWI can impede your success. Commercial driver’s license (CDL) holders will lose their ability to “drive truck” if convicted since a DUI/DWI can cause them to lose their licenses.


Impact #6. Increased Auto Insurance Rates

Insurance companies view a DUI/DWI conviction negatively. You can be classified as a “high-risk driver,” which can push your insurance rates over the top. According to a 2023 Quote Wizard study, a conviction will increase your insurance rates by $124 per month on average, or $1,488 annually.


Impact #7. Personal Stigma

People can be extraordinarily judgmental when they do not know all the facts or circumstances. This same cliché can be applied to getting a DUI/DWI conviction. You may feel pressured to hide your truth, especially around more introverted friends, family members, and co-workers.


Impact #8. Professional Stigma

The stigma of a DUI/DWI arrest, in and of itself, can tarnish your reputation. You may have to perform strategic damage control to minimize the impact. Regardless of your professional status, you could face unfair (or even unlawful) treatment if word gets out about an arrest or conviction.


Impact #9. Self-Esteem Issues

Your DUI/DWI may leave you feeling anxious about your choices, even several years after the case was closed. It is a burden that you will have to carry for the rest of your life. Fight your charges to help resolve this issue, and if you cannot beat them, become a role model for others by never getting behind the wheel drunk or high ever again.


Impact #10. Victim Restitution

Did you injure someone else in the commission of committing a DUI/DWI/? If so, victims, whether they were in your vehicle or a third-party location, such as another car or on the sidewalk, can sue you in civil court for their personal injuries or wrongful death on behalf of a family member. As such, you (or, more likely, an insurer) will pay for medical expenses, lost work wages, pain and suffering, and more.


Impact #11. Financial Issues

Most people take a financial “hit” after a DUI/DWI conviction. Not only do you pay for court fees, but you will also have to afford alternative transportation (after losing your license), lost wages (for making court appearances), increased insurance rates, DUI/DWI defense lawyers’ fees, IID installation, and the NMDoT course. The financial burden after a conviction can be devastating.


Impact #12. Travel Restrictions

Some countries consider a DUI/DWI to be a felony under their existing legal system, which could prevent you from entering them for a significant period. For example, Canada will not grant you entry unless they consider you rehabilitated (i.e., convicted at least ten or more years ago).


4 Ways to Shift from “Is a DUI/DWI Going to Ruin My Life?”

Taking steps forward after a DUI/DWI is challenging. However, knowing that this situation is RECOVERABLE can be reassuring. While you may always have this story to tell, you can support yourself in several ways between now and your next hearing.


Here are four tips for recovering from a DUI/DWI arrest or conviction:


Tip #1. Lean on Your Family Members

You should not have to go through this experience alone. Do not be afraid to reach out to your loved ones for support. Although they may be disappointed in your decision, people tend to empathize with others in this situation, especially when your charges are still pending.


Your family members can help you get to appointments or grocery shopping. Even lending a friendly ear can be tremendously helpful to ease the suffering you are experiencing. If you are afraid you may have substance abuse issues, speak privately with a family member that you trust the most to get this burden off of your chest.


Tip #2. Lean on Your Friends

Sometimes, a DUI/DWI arrest or conviction will tell a person who their real friends are. Stay close to the ones who have your best interests at heart and want you to triumph in the face of adversity. While initial anger and upset may arise, you deserve forgiveness, both from yourself and your friends, at some point.


Continue to socialize with people who support your choice to abstain from alcohol and drugs while enduring the legal process. Avoid anyone, at least for the time being, who might pressure you into engaging in risky behavior, such as getting intoxicated or driving on a revoked license. Remember, the most important thing right now is to stay sober and out of additional legal trouble.


Tip #3. Lean on Your DUI/DWI Attorney

A DUI/DWI attorney will represent you at your license revocation hearing and the criminal court proceedings. We can provide legal advice and devise a case strategy that works toward getting your charges dropped or reduced. When you hire a legal professional to stand by your side and fight for you, you will not have to face the prosecutors and arresting officer alone.


Instead, you will have a legal champion throughout the legal process. From refuting police “evidence” to challenging testing procedures, a highly experienced, top-rated DUI/DWI defense attorney could be the person who convinces the prosecutor, judge, jury, and other adjudicators to let you drive away, free from your charges. We will ensure you know what to expect when providing legal counsel.


Tip 3. Lean on Your Community

There is a wealth of resources available to those struggling with the aftermath of a DUI/DWI arrest or conviction. New Mexico is a state of caring and committed citizens dedicated to supporting family, mental health, religion, physical health, and clean living. Use these resources to keep you on the right path as needed.


These are a few places in northern and central New Mexico that could help you for free during this challenging moment:


  • Narcotics Anonymous (NA): Free In-person and online meetings to stay clean
  • Alcoholics Anonymous (AA): Free In-person and online meetings to stay sober
  • NAMI New Mexico: Free mental health recovery support groups
  • Goodwill New Mexico: Free job placement services
  • NM Housing and Urban Development (HUD): Rental help and assistance

Also, if you belong to a church or religious organization, contact someone you trust for help. They may be able to provide you with additional resources and assistance that are available to members. Consider volunteering for a non-profit organization during this time as well.


Think a DUI/DWI Is Going to Ruin Your Life?

A DUI/DWI charge, whether a felony or misdemeanor, is a serious matter with severe legal consequences. However, it is essential to remember that it does not define you. With the right legal counsel and support, you can navigate the legal process and work towards a brighter future.

Everyone makes mistakes; it is never too late to learn life’s lessons, grow, and move forward. If you face DUI/DWI charges, do not give up or lose hope. Legal help is available, and with determination and effort, you can overcome this challenge and get back on track.


Start Defending Your Charges Now at No Cost

DUI/DWI defense lawyer Marc A. Grano is highly experienced in defending these charges. He spends a lot of time training in advanced strategies and using his knowledge in court. Call Grano Law Offices, P.C. to schedule your Free Case Strategy at (505) 426-8711 or message him directly via the contact form below.

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