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Background image of a doctor reviewing a high-tech image with the text overlay reading, 'Tech and Personal Injury New Dangers with New Possibilities.'

Tech and Personal Injury: New Dangers with New Possibilities

The human digital footprint influences how society treats legal matters, especially in the area of personal injury law. Technological advancements have entered every aspect of our lives, from self-driving cars to anti-cellphone bans.


However, we should consider its impact on injury victims and the legal profession,
including the positives, such as safer vehicles, and the negatives, like increased
opportunities for distracted driving.

Personal injury lawyer Marc A. Grano explores the impact of technology on personal injury law, including new challenges, emerging trends, and more. Grano Law Offices, P.C. wrote this post to help people understand how digital data affects their legal rights in personal injury matters.

Let’s begin by reviewing relevant personal injury statistics warranting considerable

Surprising Personal Injury Statistics and Trends

Before we get into the digital impact on personal injury cases, consider these surprising statistics:

As you can imagine, industries have transformed significantly because of the human digital footprint. These statistics also show how technology is reshaping the landscape of personal injury law while presenting new challenges and opportunities for injury victims and lawyers.

The following section examines the “double-edged sword” of how our digital footprint can result in dangerous accidents while helping injury victims seek civil justice.

Evidence in Technology-Driven Personal Injury Cases

Technology presents a dichotomy worth recognizing. While it creates dangerous
challenges, it also provides vital information to investigators in the event of a car
accident. If you ever have to file an insurance claim, digital evidence could be critical for proving your case.

Below, we examine this concept as it relates to using digital information:


  • AI data: Artificial intelligence is becoming a significant part of many systems,
  • including motor vehicles.
  • Biometric devices: Wearable technologies, like smart watches, record
  • information that a personal injury lawyer can use to support injury claims.
  • Smartphone apps: Smartphone apps provide helpful evidence in accident
  • investigations, such as driving habits, location data, and video.
  • Smartphone data: Smartphones have become universal, and their data can be
  • a valuable source of evidence, including location data, call logs, text messages,
  • and social media activity.
  • Video footage: Many public places have surveillance cameras, providing video
  • footage that could establish several essential facts.

This list is not comprehensive. However, it provides a more concrete grasp of how
technology shapes the personal injury landscape. No one likes to think about the role of data after an injury or wrongful death, but it can provide you with a path forward toward legal justice.

In the final section of this article below, our legal team tackles how digital evidence can help you win with the right attorney on your side.

Your Digital Footprint Could Help You Win Your Claim

Knowledge is paramount when representing personal injury cases, particularly those involving high-stakes and complicated technologies. Grano Law Offices, P.C.
understands the issues that arise when technology plays a role in accident injury
Our legal team also has a strong background across a variety of personal injury
matters, including complicated, high-tech cases. However, we want to underscore our commitment to providing the legal services you want and deserve. Our personal injury lawyer understands these claims’ nuances and issues to fight assertively for medical expenses, lost wages, and mental anguish compensation.

Taking the Next Step If You Were Injured

If you have suffered from injuries in a recent accident, you deserve a fair settlement for your losses under New Mexico law. Our legal team wants to get you answers at no cost or obligation. Schedule your Free Case Strategy Session with our personal injury lawyer at Grano Law Offices, P.C. today by calling (505) 426-8711. Virtual and telephone meetings are available!

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(505) 426-8711
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