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A scenic image of a highway with big rig trucks at sunset, accompanied by the text '8 Tips for Driving Near Big Rig Trucks.' Grano Law Offices, P.C. offers legal guidance for those involved in trucking accidents.

8 Tips for Driving Near Big Rig Trucks

New Mexico sees its fair share of commercial traffic. A Department of Transportation section map highlights that central and northern New Mexico sees as many as 12,700 trucks on a single highway in one day. As such, proactive yet defensive drivers may want to take a moment to refresh their skills to stay as safe as possible.


A northern New Mexico truck accident lawyer shares eight tips for driving near big rigs and other dangerous vehicles. We conclude by sharing where you can get legal help if a truck driver or operator negligently injures you.


Tip 1. Stay Aware of Blind Spots

Blind spots are located along all four sides of a tractor-trailer, and motorists traveling through a blind spot are invisible to the truck driver. Therefore, they are more likely to be involved in a collision if the truck driver makes an unexpected maneuver.


Tip 2. Drifting Trucks Are Problematic

A drifting tractor-trailer may indicate that a truck driver is intoxicated, asleep, texting, or engaging in other risky behavior behind the wheel. Wind can also push large trucks around, especially if they are not fully loaded. In mightier winds, the rig may even collapse.


Tip 3. Engage in Defensive Driving

You should always proceed with caution when passing other vehicles. However, truckers require additional time to react, making passing an 18-wheeler or other large commercial truck even more challenging. Always approach from the left, where the truck driver can easily see you, and continue to drive at a constant speed as you pass the truck.


Here are a few other ideas to help you engage in defensive driving techniques:


  • Abstain from aggressive driving
  • Always wear a seat belt
  • Avoid talking on your cell phone
  • Ensure children are always correctly seated
  • Maintain a safe speed
  • Never drive while impaired by drugs or alcohol
  • No drowsy driving
  • Take frequent breaks
  • Try not to make abrupt movements
  • Meet all insurance requirements

Essentially, take all reasonable steps to safely keep you, your passengers, and others on the road.


Related Article: How Do I Prove Federal Violations After a Truck Accident?


Tip 4. Maintain a Safe Distance

Stopping a truck takes significantly longer than stopping a smaller passenger vehicle. According to a 2007 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) analysis, motorists traveling less than 40 mph should allow at least four seconds between you and a large truck. Tailing too closely can create a blind spot due to the truck’s massive size.


Tip 5. Never Pass the Truck Too Closely

Driving alongside a large truck increases your chances of being struck by a lost tire or road debris. Passing a truck too closely becomes another driver’s blind spot issue. The best general rule to follow is to exercise as much caution as the situation requires and always err on the side of caution when driving in live traffic.


Tip 6. Runaway Trucks Are Real

If a tractor-trailer truck follows you down a mountain road or other steep slope, move out of the way. Downward momentum and possibly scorching brakes could result in a runaway truck, and it’s best if you are not in its path. There is a good chance the truck driver will be unable to slow down in time to avoid a rear-end collision.


Related Article: Federal Laws in New Mexico Truck Accident Injury Claims


Tip 7. Understand How Sweeping Turns Work

Compared to a typical passenger vehicle, a large truck requires more turning room and always swings wide around a corner. If you’re passing a large truck attempting a turn, allow the truck driver sufficient time and space to complete the turn safely. Never try to pass a truck turning on its turn signal and avoid driving between the truck and the curb.


Tip 8. Use the “Rearview Mirror Trick”

A fully loaded truck traveling 60 mph to a complete stop can take the length of three football fields. Avoid being rear-ended by never cutting a trailer truck off. If you are trying to pass, do not move back into your lane until you see the truck’s grill in your rearview mirror.


Related Article: Who Do You Sue After a Truck Accident?


Did A Negligent Truck Driver injure you?

No matter how many tips for driving near trailers, trucks, and other dangerous vehicles you read, you cannot predict how another motorist on the road will behave. Unfortunately, commercial vehicle accidents are usually unavoidable, even when drivers act responsibly and take all reasonable precautions to avoid them.


In our experience, these collisions result from the trucking company’s or driver’s negligence or reckless behavior.


If you or a loved one suffered accident injuries, it is critical that you take the necessary steps to protect your rights early on since insurance companies may get you to accept less than you deserve. New Mexico’s civil laws safeguard your legal right to compensation. Speak with a Las Vegas truck accident injury lawyer to learn more about your options.


Our legal team has recovered insurance settlements on behalf of injury victims throughout New Mexico, including claims against some trucking and insurance companies. We want to put our passion, drive, and legal knowledge behind your case.


Call Grano Law Offices, P.C. for a Free Case Evaluation Now

You deserve fair compensation when someone else causes your losses. Connect with Grano Law Offices, P.C. for a Free Case Evaluation at (505) 426-8711 or message us online. Our firm takes cases on contingency fees, meaning we do not get paid until you win.

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