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A yellow caution sign next to a purse, signifying slipping and falling. Next to the sign is a toppled crate of bottled beverages.

What to Do If You Slip and Fall in a Store

Report the accident and seek immediate medical attention if you slip and fall in a store. Avoid making any self-incriminating statements and follow through on your doctor’s orders after release from the hospital. Then, speak with a slip and fall lawyer near you for legal guidance on getting medical bills, lost work wages, and other damages paid fairly.

In this post, a New Mexico slip and fall attorney outlines the steps you should take after a slip and fall accident as well as how to protect your legal rights. Let’s take a look at the six steps below.

Step 1. Report the Accident Immediately and Seek Immediate Medical Care

Report the accident immediately and seek immediate medical attention.  Letting them know that you fell and were injured is crucial so that the incident is recorded, and the store manager initiates the process of preserving evidence.  Stick to the facts of your case, and do not make guesses as to how it occurred.

See immediate medical attention and report any and all injuries and pain.  Any failure to seek medical care and/or report an injury or pain will be the adjuster’s best defense.

Step 2. Follow Through on Your Doctor’s After Care Plan

Following your doctor’s orders is critical since deviations from aftercare may cause your existing injuries to worsen. This defense is common among insurance carriers if they believe you were responsible for your damages. Do not give anyone a reason to deny your compensation claim.

Instead, address questions and concerns with your physician directly for greater clarity. They could offer you a more suitable form of treatment that works. You should also take prescriptions as prescribed and reserve the empty pill bottles as evidence of your injury’s extent.

Step 3. Watch What You Say to All Involved Parties

Whether you report the accident to the store or insurer, you should not make any self-incriminating statements or accept responsibility for the accident. Many well-meaning people assume that the accident was their fault out of politeness and humility.

However, you may not be aware of all the circumstances that caused you to slip, trip, or fall. Make sure that you stick to proven facts since your statements may be used against you later if you decide to negotiate a settlement or file a civil court lawsuit.

Step 4. Keep the Details of Your Accident off of Social Media

Social media posts are a source of evidence in court. If you make statements or post about your case, no matter how bad it makes the store or its owners look, you should not discuss it on social media sites.

Even if your profile is marked ‘private’ from public viewing, you could be connected with someone who knows the store owner and feeds them information and screenshots of your profile.

Legal matters are best handled privately in most cases for a good reason. It is best to stay silent as tempting as it may be to receive social support from a wider audience during one of the most challenging times in your life.

Step 5. Gather Documented Evidence of Your Accident and Injuries

Evidence of a slip and fall accident is vital to recuperating your financial losses. You may need to call upon specific documents later and having them available is a practical approach. Plus, memories tend to fade over time.

If you are healthy enough, try to obtain a copy of the store accident or police report. Another good rule of thumb is to retain copies of medical records, bills, and other documents that speak to the circumstances of your case and resulting injuries.

Step 6. Contact a Slip and Fall Accident Lawyer for Advice

At a minimum, discuss your case with a New Mexico slip and fall accident lawyer. We can determine if you have an actionable claim, and if so, what you can do to file for compensation related to your physical and emotional losses.

We can also describe what to expect from the process and how much your claim may be worth. Your attorney will also act as a communication buffer between you, store employees, insurers, witnesses, and other lawyers, so that you can concentrate on recovering your physical and emotional health.

Call Grano Law Offices, P.C. for a Free Case Evaluation

You do not have to face your detractors alone. At Grano Law Offices, P.C., we are here to help you understand your rights. Get a Free Case Evaluation now by calling (505) 426-8711 or message us directly through the contact form below. There are no attorneys’ fees until you win your case.

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