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Las Vegas DUI/DWI Defense Lawyer

Driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 percent or higher is a crime in New Mexico, regardless of whether your driving was affected or not.  These crimes carry heavy penalties, and certain situations can result in a felony conviction. Get the legal help you deserve by hiring a DWI/DUI defense lawyer in Las Vegas, New Mexico.

New Mexico is one of the strictest states when it comes to penalties for driving while intoxicated. If you have been charged with DWI in New Mexico, the law gives you ONLY TEN (10) DAYS to demand a hearing with the New Mexico Department of Motor Vehicles to fight to save your driver’s license after an arrest.

Free Case Strategy Session with Grano Law Offices, P.C.

Drunk driving is one of the most prosecuted crimes in New Mexico, and if you are charged with driving while intoxicated, contact DWI/DUI defense attorney Marc A. Grano for a Free Case Strategy Session as soon as possible. Request yours now by messaging below or calling (505) 426-8711.

Police Begin Investigating You for DWI/DUI Violations Immediately

A DWI investigation starts from the point an officer first sees a vehicle. There are several steps involved with the investigation, including your driving, your response to the officer’s lights or sirens, how you pull over, the initial contact with the officer, and how you respond to his or her DWI interrogation techniques.

The Field Sobriety Test

If you are pulled over for a suspected DWI in New Mexico, you will likely be subjected to the field sobriety tests and potentially ask you to take a breathalyzer test. Under some circumstances, the officer may obtain a search warrant for your blood.  You also have a right to have an independent test conducted.

Your Driver’s License

For purposes of the Department of Motor Vehicles hearing, if you refuse a breathalyzer test, your license MAY be suspended for various periods based on multiple factors, including the number of previous DWI adjudications. Because driving is considered a privilege, not a right, you agree to specific requirements of having a license if you are pulled over for a DWI, including mandatory breath tests.  A refusal to test may be analyzed very differently when it comes to the assessment of your DWI criminal case.

Fighting a DWI Charge in NM

Remember that you are innocent until proven guilty, even though it may seem otherwise. Your DWI/DUI lawyer in Las Vegas, New Mexico, will review the circumstances of your arrest and the results of your blood and breathalyzer tests. Whether or not the police made a mistake, we can help you fight a DWI charge.

Schedule Your Free Case Strategy Session

At Grano Law Offices, P.C., we understand bad things happen to good people. Get the help you want today with a Free, No-Obligation Case Strategy Session by calling or messaging below.

DWI/DUI Penalties After a Conviction

The consequences and penalties are steep since New Mexico takes a tough stance against DWI/DUI convictions. However, knowing that you have the right to defend your charges is also essential. DUIs are standardized uniformly throughout the United States, and any officer deviations away from these standards allow you to push back against the prosecutor’s case against you.

First DWI/DUI Conviction Penalties

Misdemeanor first-offense penalties include a $500 fine, up to 90 days in jail, and your license will be suspended until you install an ignition interlock device that works like a breathalyzer in your car. This needs to be installed at your expense. You must also complete community service and attend education programs, individualized therapy, and classes.

Second or Third DWI/DUI Conviction Penalties

Misdemeanor second and third offenses carry additional mandatory jail time, more extensive sentences, more significant community service requirements, more considerable mandatory fines, potential in-patient treatment, significantly larger time requirements for installing the ignition interlock, significantly increased probation requirements, and probationary sentences.

Fourth or Subsequent DWI/DUI Conviction Penalties

A fourth DWI offense in New Mexico is a felony charge. Every DWI beyond the fourth is also considered to be a felony. Felony charges carry a SIGNIFICANT MANDATORY minimum and maximum sentence followed by strict felony probation conditions, monitored by a New Mexico Department of Corrections Probation and Parole Officer.

All DWI convictions remain on your record indefinitely. If you are charged, contact DWI/DUI defense lawyer, Marc A. Grano, so that we can review your case and help you decide the best steps to take. Our legal team will help you understand your situation and what steps you can take toward a brighter future.

Get DWI Lawyer in Las Vegas, New Mexico to Defend Your Case

Effective defense of a DWI/DUI arrest is specialized, complex, and detailed. The National Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has certified me to conduct Standardized Field Sobriety Tests and DWI/DUI investigations. I will use my knowledge and experience to protect your rights.

Legal Help Is a Phone Call Away

Our legal team will conduct a thorough investigation, prepare a defense, fight for your driver’s license, and challenge prosecutorial flaws. If you or a loved one finds yourself facing a DWI/DUI charge, contact Grano Law Office, P.C., for your Free Case Strategy Session below.

FAQs: DWI/DUI Defense

Do you have general questions about DUI/DWI defense in New Mexico? The Grano Law Offices, P.C. legal team is ready to help. Below, we have answered some of the most frequently asked questions (FAQs) by people from northern and central NM:

Yes, a DUI/DWI can be dismissed in New Mexico. It is possible to get a DWI case dismissed.  Having said that, it is not possible for every DWI case to be dismissed.  Reviewing the prosecutor’s evidence, conducting a thorough defense investigation, a substantiated constitutional violation, faulty DWI investigations, discovery violations or other issues may lead to a dismissal.


Learn more about getting a DWI/DUI dismissed in New Mexico.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to beating a DUI in New Mexico, nor is there any guarantee of that happening, even if you work with a top-rated, highly experienced private criminal defense firm. However, DUI/DWI charges are standardized throughout the entire country, and mistakes on the officer’s part could become your case exonerating defense.

Learn more about defending DUI charges in New Mexico.

Your first DWI/DUI in New Mexico will proceed like most criminal cases. You will face the criminal court system, demand and review discovery, conduct a thorough defense investigation, conduct witness interviews, file any needed motions and potentially end up in trial.  However, DWI charges also involve separate MVD license revocation hearings to defend your right to drive as well.  This contrasts with other types of charges.


If convicted of a first-time DWI/DUI, you could face up to 90 days in jail and $500 in fines. Mandatory penalties include the installation of an IID for one year, DWI school, alcohol screening and compliance with recommendations, 24 hours of community service, addiction treatment (if recommended), and a driver’s license revocation.


Learn more about first-time DUI penalties in New Mexico.

If you refuse a DWI/DUI breath test in New Mexico, your choice may trigger additional criminal penalties and increased administrative license revocation penalties. Under NMSA § 66-8-111, your driver’s license may be revoked for up to one year since refusing a breath or blood sample violates New Mexico’s Implied Consent Act. The Act, in part, states that all drivers arrested for DWI shall submit to a chemical test upon request of a law enforcement officer.

Learn more about refusing a breathalyzer test in New Mexico.

A DUI/DWI conviction stays on your record for up to 55 years in N.M. You cannot get a DUI/DWI conviction expunged, even under the new 2020 expungement rules. If you or a loved one faces DWI/DUI charges in New Mexico, you should know that the charges are defensible in court.

Learn more about how long a DUI stays on your record in New Mexico.

If you want more personalized legal advice, the Las Vegas, New Mexico DUI/DWI defense lawyer at Grano Law Offices, P.C. can help. We offer prospective clients a Free Case Strategy Session at (505) 426-8711, or send us a message below.

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Las Vegas, NM


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